May 11, 2020
In order to offer readers a glimpse of our Action Recovery Brain Injury Services, staff members who lead these supports responded to a variety of informational questions. We invite you to learn more about these incredible services!
1. What is a Day Like for a New Resident in the Action Recovery Program?
On the day of admission, a care coordinator meets with the new resident and family members in order to answer any questions, address concerns, and complete basic paperwork. During the conversation, home rules and program expectations are reviewed for safety. Tours are completed to ensure that the new resident is secure in his/her surroundings. Upon touring the unit, the resident will be informed of the times for meals as well as ways to stay in touch with family; he/she will also be shown the location of the medication room to ensure routine medication administration. Staff will offer direct assistance with money management and, perhaps most importantly, the resident will be introduced to staff and other residents. A staff member will assist with unpacking and organizing the resident’s belongings in order to make the space feel individualized and familiar. Staff with then offer reassurance and continue to monitor the new resident for any obstacles or concerns to support his/her transition into services.
While services are different for each resident, during the first several days of support each new resident will develop a customized plan of care while participating in a variety of activities that offer staff an idea of his/her current abilities/strengths and needs. These are further explored as treatment progresses.
2. What are Structured Day Services? How Do They Assist With Recovery From a Brain Injury?
Our Neurocognitive Structured Day service provides programming designed to assist residents to stimulate cognitive skill training, regain functional and vocational abilities, and build daily living skills to promote a positive quality of life.
Structured groups are planned and led by skilled group facilitators. The facilitators define group objectives and select learning tools to ensure that the objectives are met effectively. Documented lesson plans create a dynamic learning environment where people can flourish. These groups enhance the lives of individuals who have sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), assisting with reintegration and transition within their family systems and the larger community. Individualized treatment plans are developed to focus upon each person’s strengths, preferences, and needs. We utilize the input of each individual, family members, and others who are included in the resident’s support system.
Community integration activities and recreational outings are incorporated into the program to assist with development of independent living skills, including, but not limited to: budgeting, social skills, organization and planning, and healthy relationships.
3. What activities are available for the Action Recovery Brain Injury residents?
The Action Recovery Program provides both residential habilitation and structured day services. Residential habilitation supports ensure the health, safety and welfare of individuals by assisting them in the acquisition, improvement, and retention of the skills needed to live successfully in more independent settings.
The New Vitae Action Recovery residential habilitation program offers:
• Individualized personal care, household management, health and medical care, grocery shopping, money management and budgeting.
• Customized supervision from intensive to intermittent support.
• Day treatment services, including related therapies and volunteer and vocational opportunities.
• Social, recreational and spiritual activities.
• Behavioral programming
• Accessibility for individuals with limited mobility.
• 24-hour staff support for assistance with safety, mobility and transfers, as needed.
• Transportation from group home to day treatment programs, therapies, medical appointments and community outings.
• Emergency on-call coverage by supervisory staff.
4. Can Action Recovery Residents Meet With Other Specialists For Mental Health or Physical Health Challenges?
Action Recovery residents meet with a psychiatrist and an assigned therapist to focus on mental health goals. New Vitae’s therapists engage each resident on a variety of techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing, and other supports to maintain lasting, positive behavioral and emotional changes.
In addition to behavioral health therapies, New Vitae Wellness & Recovery is proud to employ multiple professionals with the CBIS certification to improve the lives of individuals with brain injury. New Vitae also employs a Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer (CBIST) and a Consulting Psychologist, further signifying our commitment to improving the lives of Action Recovery residents.
Action Recovery also works with the resident’s physician to complete referrals to physical therapy and other physical health needs. Additionally, New Vitae offers registered dietician services for weight management and can facilitate additional referrals for needed care.
5. What Types of People Would Benefit From Action Recovery Services?
When seeking brain injury supports, it is important to be confident regarding the quality of care that you or a loved one will receive. Building and maintaining strengths for independence is crucial. Action Recovery offers a strength-based support program that provides an individualized continuum of care for each resident.
Our services best support individuals who have started the process of recovery following a brain injury – those who have been discharged from inpatient care but continue to experience challenges related to day-to-day functioning as a result of physical, behavioral, or emotional difficulties. Action Recovery services aim to meet every individual where they are in the recovery process to help him/her reclaim preferred life skills and improve family relationships. We provide a comprehensive array of residential and neurocognitive structured day supports to provide structure, recreation, and development to help residents regain functional and vocational abilities, daily living skills and an overall positive quality of life.
6. What is CARF Accreditation? Why is It Important?
CARF stands for the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. It is an international accreditation that assures the public of a healthcare provider’s commitment to continually enhance the quality of services and programs with a focus on the satisfaction of the persons served. Providers who earn CARF accreditation are recognized for their ongoing innovation and continued compliance with quality standards. Achieving accreditation requires a service provider to commit to quality improvement, to focus on the unique needs of each person the provider serves, and to monitor the results of services.
New Vitae Action Recovery is proud to be CARF accredited.