Evidence-Based Addiction Medication
Suboxone is one option that can be utilized to achieve recovery from addiction
Suboxone is one option that can be utilized to achieve recovery from addiction
New Vitae Wellness and Recovery utilizes Sanctuary Model principles
Female members of the New Vitae Wellness and Recovery executive leadership team attended
The residents and staff of Quakertown House have been enjoying their community garden
Alpha-stim works to improve symptoms associated with anxiety, insomnia, and depression
Long-term behavioral health and physical health conditions are changing service providers
Recent data points suggest that the need to support our Veteran population continues
William Leiner, Jr. and brain wellness education opportunities
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is an evidence-based method to reduce suicidal behaviors
New Vitae Wellness and Recovery launches a new modern brand which better reflects our vision, mission and core values.