Residents and staff of Quakertown House and Pathways had a fantastic time at the Quakertown House Carnival on September 8th, 2016. Hosted at the Jade House, residents enjoyed playing games, including a water balloon toss, ring toss, and other midway-style challenges for prizes. Many residents participated in face painting, and concession booths were available to offer sweet treats that added to the fun!
During the celebration, Quakertown House and Pathways’ Resident Choice Award winners were announced. After the votes were tallied, Brian Considine was identified as the Quakertown House winner, Ron Tucker was the Pathways Young Adult winner, and Emil Ferrer won the Pathways Adult program award.
At the end of the party, raffle prizes were awarded to lucky residents. The day was a great opportunity for peer connections and fun! For information about our behavioral health treatment programs, contact New Vitae Wellness and Recovery today.